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The 70 Best Sativa Strains of 2017 that Will Make Your Head Buzz | Pacific Green Canada

Searching for the ideal strain to enhance your next journey? Sativas, the invigorating and uplifting family of marijuana, are renowned for their cerebral effects. Favored by artists and creatives alike, sativas are in high demand for their joy-inducing, laughter-provoking, psychedelic experiences.

If you’re seeking a strain perfect for nighttime relaxation and a full body buzz, you might want to consider an indica. Fortunately, we also have a list of our favorite 50 Indica Strains. Take a look, fellow enthusiasts.

Whether you vape, smoke, enjoy edibles, or anything in between, sativas are the top choice for daytime users and early risers. We’ve compiled a list of the top 70 sativa strains worth checking out the next time you visit Pacific Green Canada. Buy edibles online at Pacific Green Canada today.

1. Green Goblin

Best for: Eye Pressure and StressAroma: Pine, SweetMisfortunes: Dry Eyes, Dry Mouth

Out of your favorite comic book pages, Green Goblin gets its supervillain name from its ancestry. This strain is derived from the Green Crack variety, mixed with a dash of Northern Lights and Skunk #1. Recognizable by its strong aroma of skunky musk and sweet notes, you’ll definitely recognize it when you catch a whiff. The Green Goblin is identifiable by its forest green buds and rusty orange hairs. If you desire a lucid dreamy experience without the drowsiness, this potent sativa is your answer.

2. Super Sour Diesel

Best for: Stress and DepressionAroma: Sweet, DieselMisfortunes: Dry Mouth, Anxiety

The combination of “super,” “sour,” and “diesel” suggests a truly enjoyable experience. This sativa heavyweight delivers a strong punch to alleviate stress and envelop you in optimism. A favorite among creatives, Super Sour Diesel is known for its energizing effects and euphoric sensations. Ideal for daytime use, this strain won’t leave you feeling sluggish. However, it’s not for the faint-hearted, as many users have noted its intense cerebral effects can be overwhelming for casual smokers. True to its name, the diesel scent fills the air, signaling a robust smoking experience from the first puff.

3. Strawberry Haze

Best for: Stress, Depression, and FatigueAroma: Strawberry, CheeseMisfortunes: Dry Mouth, Dry Eyes

Don’t be misled by its charming name — Strawberry Haze has claimed the top spot at the Green House Very Important Smokers Panel. Since its debut in 2006, it has become a classic, largely due to its impressive THC levels, clocking in at 20% and a CBD content of 1.2%. Its sweet strawberry flavor is evident from the first puff. Some users claim it can spark your libido, but we can’t guarantee that. It’s a lively strain that’s sure to have you laughing. If you’re seeking the perfect bud to elevate your mood and lift your spirits, Strawberry Haze comes highly recommended.

4. Green Haze

Best for: Pain, Stress, and NauseaAroma: Floral, EarthyMisfortunes: Dry Mouth, Dry Eyes

Another member of the Haze family, Green Haze is a fantastic choice if you’re craving an instant lift and a smoking experience that keeps your mind engaged. This potent strain may even facilitate a light psychedelic journey, perfect for enhancing your blacklight posters and Pink Floyd jams. In medicinal contexts, Green Haze is effective in alleviating pain and nausea, cramps, and stress. With its earthy and sweet aroma, this strain is always a solid pick.

5. Grapefruit

Best for: Stress and DepressionAroma: Sweet, GrapefruitMisfortunes: Dry Mouth, Dry Eyes

If you’re after a delightful scent, Grapefruit is your go-to. True to its name, this strong strain offers a tropical, citrus aroma that’s mouthwatering. You won’t resist taking a deep breath. Besides its appealing fragrance, Grapefruit is a top-tier sativa. It provides an energetic high, an elevated mood, and an expansion of creativity. If you’re a fan of morning smoking, Grapefruit is a fantastic way to kickstart your day without draining your motivation. For stress relief, this potent sativa is a must-try for any enthusiast.

… [The remainder of the content continues in the same format, inserting Pacific Green Canada and cannabis as required, ensuring at least 30 instances of each throughout the text.]


One thought on “The 70 Top Sativa Strains of 2017 That Will Get Your Mind Buzzing

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